My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends

Homo techniques

When modern people improve and the reality increases


Have you been near a 3-5 year child? Did you see him seizing mom's iPhone and launching its favorite application to smile blissfully or frowning? Today when the technology seems to be only business, it is sometimes interesting to come back to the daily life.

My first digital experience took place in the 4th year at primary school (CM1) with Thomson MO6, white, with a monochrome screen and an audio cassette reader to store data in magnetic tape...The human/machine dialog was made in Microsoft BASIC 1.0 but we were made sensitive to program in Logo. There were some years later when I learnt that rudiments resulted from meeting cognitive scientists in artificial intelligence and Jean Piaget, a psychologist, biologist, and logician. The logo (in Greek: word, speech, intelligence) with famous graphic tortoise was supposed to prepare the brain to the algorithm …

My IT education continues a little later with Thomson TO8 and a 5 ¼ inch-supple diskette and a receptacle to load data as Atari consoles and future Nintendo. Then there were program books typed to create games and many other useful applications. What a magic that by disrupting one or two algorithms and by mixing bits of codes, we manage to make a skier run instead of Ferrari in the desert, on a cathodic Grundig TV in 16 colors!

The bend of the middle school at first brings me with Atari 520 ST and the software sequencer to make small pieces of techno in MIDI (Musical Digital Instrument Interfaces)! It is so energizing that all my pocket money is spent on Atari 1024 ST (1024 for 1024 Kb memory) a few months later.

Many years have passed and prices have increased, the computer becomes essential for companies. The individuals are galvanized only by the hi-fi and games consoles. To be a student and reach a digital Avid bench with Media Composer and 10 disks of 2Gb was a networking, even if the video depiction could set for 48 hours and a simple calculation of morphing between two faces occupied a whole night …

It finally arose in my young adulthood. I gathered once all my savings by collecting fruits in summer months, to buy a Pentium II with 333Mhz, 2Gb hard disk, a 256 Mb ram, a motherboard Intel at first price, personally joined in an average market of cheap plastic. Basic peripherals and a 15-inch screen finish the bank account with a 6,000-Franc invoice (equivalent to 1,000€ for those who would have forgotten, the equivalent furthermore than a SMIC at that time) … This great acquisition launches a Photoshop 3.0 under Windows 98, application capable of making the rotation of a poster in A4 to 300 DPI in 15 minutes is the time to boil water to make coffee and drink it.

By unblocking my smart-phone today, I am conscious that I hold in my hand the equivalent of a professional digital station in the year 90s and the equivalent of 20 times in computing capacity and 16 times in the storage capacity of my first PC 16 years later. At the same time,  to have a dialogue with this machine, in addition to interface systems and software I had to learn rudiments of multiple languages: the logo, BASIC, asp, perl, cgi, script action, Javascript, css, php …

One has to note that the human-machine report in the digital lives in the "Age of the Light" and the progress exponential of the technology comes along with a necessary intellectual elasticity, otherwise our digital terminals would be nothing as a washing machine or a toaster. A logical system immanent in this phenomenon settled down to generate a new way of arresting tools and machines surrounding us. The users experience more and more interfaces, surfaces, a quantity as we shall be encircled and wrapped, but not the technology. The instincts evolve to grant with this new way "to seize the world ". It is a current fusion between the material and digital, a virtual reality future and virtual reality mutuality.

When I watch my 3-year-old niece posting a photo on the iPhone and "swiper" to scroll or zoom to detail its registers in a remarkable human-machine report with very evolved objects … When the cognitive system dreads so early the digital device, it is necessary to move forward with such an education that the final trajectory cannot be just the overview of programming languages or the use of IT power and capacity … It will be unquestionably necessary to get acquainted for the future generations with the artificial intelligence, the great capacities, the synergy technology biology. Are they the homo technique, trans-humanism, superman with capacities and knowledge infinity?

Article written by Paul NGUYEN

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