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My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : HoloActive Touch - BMW signs the end of the conventional touch screen

HoloActive Touch - BMW signs the end of the conventional touch screen


BMW revolutionizes once again the automobile sector through the integration of a new floating screen provided for the future models. With a finger sliding, realize your command and make Touchscreen. The automobile giants presented HoloActive Touch in the big show of electronics which is kept in Las Vegas from 5 till 8 January 2017.

Return to Serial BMW 7 and its integrated technology

The launch of the new series 7 revealed a car in the most powerful modernization, giving a place to the model 750i, a high quality sedan of 450 horses.

With its optimized technological shop window, iDrive allowed the user to personalize the dashboard following its desires.

Therefore, to check its audio channel or even answer a call of a hand movement which were actions proposed on the integrated removable tablet. This intelligent key offered a handling absolved from the vehicle through a new customization.

Much more than a virtual screen, a responsive touch screen

The technological disruption indicates that German giant presented in the famous THESE of Las Vegas (5th - 8th January , 2017), is a surprise with HoloActive Touch: a virtual interface between the driver and vehicle signing the end of the conventional touch screen.

In fact, this new system of edge, through diverse holographic projections, allows the driver to benefit from digital advantages offered by BMW ConnectedDrive.

In addition to the dashboard with hologram, the integrated camera allows to follow the driver’s hand movements  in a real time and execute the commands according to the body movements.

It is good to know that this technology leans on the virtual reality with the aim of supplying an unique consumer experience and creating a total dumping from the entry to the vehicle.

HoloActive Touch is undoubtedly a disruptive innovation in an era where the digital impact does not stop developing.

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