My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Find the stand of Jalis today and on Friday, March 27th in the event Wave Innovation - Friche Belle de Mai
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Find the stand of Jalis today and on Friday, March 27th in the event Wave Innovation - Friche Belle de Mai


Your Jalis company will present in the event Wave Innovation today on March 26th  and Friday, March 28th from 15:00 to 19:00, in Friche Belle de Mai.

Wave Innovation is a showroom dedicated to the start-ups of the technological domain mainly. The objective of this showroom  is to underline the impact of the innovation on our everyday life. The event will take place from 20 to 27 March and will present 20 projects or enterprises.

Invited by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Jalis company will have a stand during this week of the innovation in the afternoons of March 26th  and 27th .

Mobile more than ever of current events

And to stick on the current events, Jalis will intervene on the vocal search and label Mobile Friendly. As we have already told you, Mobile Site distinction has been added for a few months in Google search results on Mobile to indicate that a site is a compatible mobile. This distinction was at first an asset for sites with benefits, it will be a brake for non-compatible sites, from April. It is thus normal to make sensitive the entrepreneurs in this evolution.

It will be with great pleasure that we shall find you in Wave Innovation on Thursday and Friday afternoons!

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