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My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : The initial public offering of Facebook

The initial public offering of Facebook

The initial public offering of Facebook causes the paying arrival


Today, on Friday, May 18th, 2012, is a new era for the most used social network in the world, Facebook. Actually, it has launched an IPO finally. And for it, Facebook sets up new paying features.

An excellent initial public offering

Facebook is one of fifteen bigger initial public offerings. It is necessary to say that the social network launches an IPO with a basic valuation superior to 100 billion dollars. With eight years of experience, there are more than 900 million Facebook users in the world today. A spectacular growth if we remembered that in 2010, there were only 500 millions. But it’s no use trying to purchase shares, they all were already reserved. The professionals were served first and foremost.

The paying to Facebook

The rumors of the paying to Facebook were so numerous that finally it gave ideas to the leaders. Do not worry, Facebook does not offer all the paying but the partial paying. You can access your account, share with your "friends" and spy on them, just like before.

But what does it change? Now you can pay more actively on the social network. In fact, in the same way as for fan pages, the more your activities are liked or commented, the more they are seen by your friends. On the contrary, if you do not have a lot of interaction with your "friends", your friends will see less your news. It is a vicious circle. They are Facebook algorithms acting like that. But with the new feature, Facebook users can pay to reveal their statuses or photos right away and longer. Actually, there is only New Zealand which experiments this feature. But it should extend very fast in other countries. One thing is sure because Facebook makes it give more value to its initial public offering, the advertising adwords on Facebook don’t seem to work enormously...

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