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My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Snapchat launches into the world of

Snapchat launches into the world of

The launch of new connected glasses


Snapchat creates the surprise by throwing its own connected glasses and this time, we can say that the company offers strong promotion. Discover!

Snapchat ... more than a simple one Story

Keep in mind in 2011, when Snapchat appeared. Who has thought that this application would have a lightning evolution in such a short time? From a simple message service to an "instant live story" service approved by all, Snapchat knew how to convince a more winning popular vote.

Today, this application’s  founders do not stop, creating constantly the surprise with the public. With more than 100 million users among 71 % of people at less than 25 year age, for Snapchat, the “show” hour arrived! Or at least, it is the name which the co-founder chose to give new connected glasses.

Welcome to Snapbot, result of an audacious storytelling

Evan Spiegel displayed a millimeter communication campaign after the release of lunettes "Spectacles” (glasses “shows”) in November. A disruption in the retail industry, because Snapchat refuses any marketing via external suppliers.

Yellow flashy, presence of an impressive and landing eye in balls: its name is Snapbot and it is the new "deliverer" of your glasses "Shows". I can tell you that if you love “Minions” characters, you will be happy to meet these famous "Snapbots".

Snapchat returned the marketing of these funny and disturbing glasses, arousing the public’s attention and curiosity. In a unpredictable way, you can never know where  this Snapbot is located. The route revealed in real time (itinéraire dévoilé en temps réel ) is 24 hours before the arrival. You must be ready and on time for the new "show". Once on site, you will have to wait that the machine wakes up (capricious, yes!) and place yourself in front of  the frontal camera so that communication would be established.

Then you can try in virtual reality the various models of glasses before finalizing your choice (at a 129-euro initial price).

These robots, as unique distribution network, are a way of the brand to create the immersion with the public. In fact, through this strategy, Snapchat rethought the product’s experiential character, allying street marketing and digital marketing with the aim of captivating the consumer’s  attention.

It remains to be seen that giants such as Google planned to counter this innovation, because it is necessary to say, the year 2017 looks particularly promising for Snapchat.

 Article written by Alimatou Youm


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