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My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Periscope: an application of express appeals

Periscope: an application of express appeals

From spectator to report: when every man creates his life


Since January 26th , 2016, it is possible to directly broadcast the video of camera GoPro with Periscope. With the recent release of this new feature, return to the new digital trend.

For several years, the behavior evolves and brings a new phenomenon, the spectator’s report. With the increase of the mobile applications and the unlimited Internet, everybody can become a journalist in the domain of his community. Some express software has been already known well, such as Skype allows to make visio calls, just like Facetime. But, the latter concentrates on an exchange limited to some individuals. Yet, for more than a year, possibilities of a new kind are created. The possibility of exchanging with tens, hundreds, even thousands of people at the same time, and all around the world. After Snapchat, it is Periscope which conquers more and more addicts.

A classic exchange in a plural express

The  first great ambassador of the movement, Snapchat announces the color of a new digital revolution. We do not spend time taking a photo, working, then posting it to have most positive notices any more. The purpose is to post all what we want, a video or a photo, at a time T. We send it to some chosen individuals or we post the story so that everybody sees it, this is a choice. But, more than the simple grimace in the bathroom, they are real events made all over the world.

A festival such as Coachella acquires even the public story place in the application. So, the best publications of the people presented are diffused via Snapchat, to all the users. Bloggers or YouTube users also share their daily life with thousands of people there. Hence, everybody can broadcast live his exceptional moment, without being a journalist.

A digital innovation is not ignored

Facing the extent of the phenomenon, big companies do not miss the innovation and do not plan to be outdone. So, in August, 2015 Facebook launched live-action. With the preliminary reservation for the "stars", it allows them to broadcast expresses in all subscribers of their page. The social network even offers the sending of notification to warn their lives. An added value for the American application, which allows everyone to live at the moments as a privileged person, with the people whom they admire.

However, the application which takes the concept further is implemented by Twitter. Periscope, the creation of Kayvon Beykpour and Joe Bernstein, shows up the mobile phones on March 26th, 2015. The principle is simple for every user if he would like to make film live and the video can be live all over the world. For that purpose, he only needs a Twitter account. By this exhibition, he can become a real reporter. On the day of its release, a fire bursts in New York, in the East village. People having already downloaded the application, broadcast the worldwide images.

So, like any different social network, we can subscribe to the feed of certain people and receive notifications of express. Furthermore, the diffusers decide if their video is open to all the users of the application or only their followers, and can answer the posted comments. Other recurring characteristics of typing the screen, hearts are sent on the video, which allows a real recognition and the ranking establishment. Thanks to the replay, certain videos can be so viewed for 24 hours, have a look at the captured for the most popular.

Periscope, new ally of communication

The phenomenon is taken. The application was done by more than 10 million users in August, 2015. Periscope appears as the social network to add immediately to its on-line pack, and virtual identity. Concerts can be followed thanks to live streaming, matches, more dramatic events like New York fire. The idea is appealing. It is able to broadcast images, live videos, without having to pass by an intermediary such as television channels. There is no need to be a YouTube user, to establish a communication strategy or spend time on the media work. It is a return of course, on a gross. Now it is lived.

Lorry Mosin

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