My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Share with groups on Google +

Share with groups on Google +


In spite of its young age, Google + did not stop amazing us. The social network allows us recently to share the whole group with contacts. A pointless feature? Or an evolution of the groups’ notion?

At first, the feature can seem to be unnecessary. What use to share whole group of people who you surely know, and who are certainly interested in your contacts. Make no mistake. It is sufficient to see the circle’s notion from another angle.

You surely possess "Family" group, "Friends" group, "Colleague" group as a majority of users. But why don’t you centre your group in hobbies and passions? You are a motorcyclist and passionate about climbing. Why don’t you create two groups of "motorcyclists" and "climbers" in which you will classify the people with whom you share your activities? Here the notion of group sharing becomes interesting.

You can share your "climbers" group with your climbing friends who can share their group with you. Of course, you can sort it out in which you are proposed, to add only a part of contacts. From this point, the use is similar to RSS feeds. Themes, of course, boosted by tens to hundreds and thousands of people! When you publish an announcement with the release of new Ducati Streetfighter 848, it is enough for you to publish only your "motorcyclists" group, and when the latter will want to consult the latest news concerning the motorcycle, they will select only the follow-up of "motorcyclists" group.

Combine RSS feed, Twitter and social network in a single platform. An evolution has significantly changed the classic role of the social network.

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