My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Prepare your website for the events 2015

Prepare your website for the events 2015

How to prepare your website for all the commercial events 2015?


With your website Jalis, you have diverse tools at your disposal to boost your referencing during your company’s crucial periods. To help you use the various levers of your digital commercial, let us take the example of the St Valentine's Day because it is one of the first commercial events of the year.

 - Announcements. Work correctly your announcements with a contents:


  • rich: a minimum of 500-600 characters by announcement is recommended for more visibility on Google,
  • unique: do not take the text of another website or another page of your site. You can be inspired but always reformulate it,
  • relevant: some keywords integrated into your text so that Google targets well your activity, your products and your "customer catchment area",
  • and written well: always write in a natural way, think of your Internet users by drafting readable paragraphs (line breaks, bold in some words).

For the St Valentine's Day, create announcements of available products. For a jewelry, offer fineries, for a chocolate factory, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates for example, when mentioning in your announcements of the terms such as "ideal for a gift on the St Valentine's Day", "to offer on the St Valentine's Day", and many others.

- Archives. Does your restaurant offer special menus on St Valentine's Day or does your hotel offer unique services for couples on February 14th? Use archives to speak in advance about it but without putting it on your site when the event is still distant. Your site will begin the position in Google results. You can then pass news flash or announcement of the approaching fateful day.

Especially with archives, you can offer gifts to lovers by raising archives questions - answers. For example: "what present is for a St Valentine's Day in Lyon?", "Where to go at a romantic weekend in Bordeaux? ", "Where to buy beautiful jewels in Marseille? ", " Where to find ideas of original presents for the St Valentine's Day?".

- Jalis Express. Prepare in advance expressions on products which you will sell well on the St Valentine's Day: "Purchase finery necklace earrings marked Swarovski", "Buy box of chocolate shaped heart in Marseille", "restaurant with special menu on St Valentine's Day in Lyon". It is going to allow to boost your announcements and your archives.

- Useful links. They are going to allow you to offer practical information to your visitors and at the same time some contents to Google, it is a first point.

But the useful links have a real interest in your referencing where it is in the link  exchange. It is useless to create a great deal of useful links with the company’s url, if you don’t have any links in return. It would risk to damage your referencing. A site with too narrowly links and a few of back-links (links pointing your site), can risk penalties.

Contact non-competing companies, but the activity of which is complementary to yours, ask them for a link exchange. For example, if you hold a restaurant, you can offer good places of hotels or romantic accommodations or even if you are in a guest house, present a florist with whom you work. Use the selection of sites Jalis for the St Valentine's Day.

The ideal is to start this referencing work a few weeks before the event in question to offer your new pages to Google. Apply it in your activity sector.

For more advice concerning your filling and site, contact your interlocutor at Jalis or the customer support. You will also find all the formations référencement et réseaux sociaux (formations referencing and social networks) on the site of Jalis Académie.

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