My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends


Netiquette: the proper use of the electronic messaging


The netiquette

Reminder: the netiquette (contraction of the "Net" and "ethics" words) represents all the rules of proper use in the Internet to respect the others and be respected. It is thus about rules of civility and good behavior to allow all the Internet users to share a respectful behavior of others.

The writing and the transmission of a message

Indicate clearly the subject of the message ("Object" or "Subject"). This is important for the recipient. It will allow him/her to classify easily. It is possible to make a distinction between a general subject, in a convention between hooks (the name of a project, for example) and the brief statement of the subject. For example:
[ X project] meeting on December 13th, 2005

Send the e-mail only to the concerned people.

It is moved and unpleasant for the recipients, to transmit the e-mail to any people. In particular, the recipients lose a precious time to sort out messages which really concern them and the others... Besides, this practice takes up unnecessarily network resources.

The field "To:" (Or "A:" in French) indicates the main recipient.

The field "Cc:" (Or "Copie:" in French) indicates the people informed about the communication by e-mail.

 The field "Bcc:" (Or "Copie cachée" in French) indicates invisible recipients on behalf of the other recipients’  part. The use of this feature is not advised. It will be preferred the information delivery, separately, of the copy of the previous sending.

Being brief and well-situated in the message context. To be read and well understood, it's better to use short and precise sentences. If the message is long, to divide it into several paragraphs facilitating the reading.

A precise and well structured text allows to avoid the misunderstandings or a bad interpretation. Within the framework of a professional use, it is considerable for the recipients to begin the message with one of the following mentions:

For information

For opinion

For attribution and further action

If it is necessary to attach documents to the message, think of the recipients. Make sure that the file is saved in a format recognized by most of the common software. Moreover, pay attention to the size of attached files. Use  compression/decompression utilities to reduce the size of these files.
Restrict the use of characters in capital letters. A text written in capital letters is difficult to read. Besides, the use of words in capital letters indicates, in the Net practices, which we want to express great emotions (joy, anger). To highlight a term, put it in quotation marks.

Before delivering a message, take time to review it. Think of correcting typing errors or French. The style of messages reflects the sender’s image.


Make sure to be well identified and leave address and phone number at the end of the message. Think of leaving your signature at the bottom of messages, without taking up too much place (4 or 5 lines at maximum), by specifying, for example, your function, and attached entity. Telephone number can be useful if one of your recipients try to contact you quickly. The custom want the signature to be preceded by a line containing simply two dashes ("-").

During the reception of a message

When a message was read, decide immediately to classify it. To find easily a message, get used to classifying messages received in diverse feature stories. Unless it is essential, get used to printing the e-mail, protect the environment.

Respect the confidentiality of the received messages. Never redirect or broadcast to other people an e-mail personally sent without the sender’s authorization.

The use of emoticons (smiles ). The emoticons (sometimes called smiles or sweet little faces) are signs to be included in messages to indicate the mind set in which the message (humor, sarcastic, ironic, etc.) is written. The use is generally reserved for non-professional messages.

To create an emoticon, it is enough to use punctuation marks. To recognize them better bow your head of 90 degrees to the left;-)

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