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Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : MOOC: an educational revolution?

MOOC: an educational revolution?

MOOC: a simple temporary fashion or educational revolution?


HEC, Arts and crafts... The French establishments are converted to MOOC, this concept came straight in the Anglo-Saxon countries. But what is MOOC? Is this new approach of the education going to revolutionize the new generations’ apprenticeship?

MOOC is the acronym of massif open on-line course, which we could translate to open and massive online courses. In other words, MOOC is an online available course, open to all accessible free of charge. It relates to all the technical solutions that Web can offer today: videos, type PDF's online available for consultation files, discussion forums and social media ...

What fields of activity are concerned by the MOOC?

We find MOOCs in all the disciplines and levels today. Some courses are designed for beginners, others for experienced students. MOOCs can participate in the in-service training of numerous employees, who see a way to fill theoretical gaps which grow bigger in time.

What is the economic model of MOOCs?

Free in essence, MOOCs look for long-lasting economic model. Some universities or schools launch their MOOCs to value their educational excellence: then they play a role of "teasing" and join a promotional strategy. Others are based on a freemium system: if the access to MOOC is free, for example, the validation of knowledge and the obtaining of a certificate are paid.

Can we obtain a diploma following MOOC?

Some  schools, like  HEC, offer a certificate at the end of program. If it is not about a strictly speaking diploma, recognized by the authorities, it will allow to validate an apprenticeship process.

It would seem to be good that MOOCs, a new tendency today, quickly gain their patents of nobility and become, one of numerous students and learners, all the ages and all the circles, the great opportunities of apprenticeship and “professional advancement. Maybe the success of MOOC will take place by a recognition”.

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