My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Jalis makes an appointment with you on June 5th and 6th to Istres in Bou' ICTS Tour to make you aware of new technologies!
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Jalis makes an appointment with you on June 5th and 6th to Istres in Bou' ICTS Tour to make you aware of new technologies!


Jalis, partner of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Marseille within the framework of Ma Bou' ICTS operation, invites you on Thursday 5th  and Friday, June 6th to Istres. Why? Simply to discover new ICTS solutions and take advantage of practical workshops which you can apply to your business.

Travel demonstration with the finger touch, the interactive shop window, etc. two days will also be given rhythm by practical workshops. During these workshops, practical and applicable advice to your company will be delivered to you. You can also benefit from individual interviews with experts who will share their knowledge with you and answer all your questions.

To know more about it, consult the site of CCI Marseille Provence  where you can register!

Other meetings in 2014 for my Bou' ICTS Tour

The meeting “Ma Bou' ICTS Tour" is going to spread out in various cities of the department  in 2014. The operation aims at making storekeepers and companies aware of new technologies of information and the communication, at accompanying in the use of these new innovative solutions.

Within this collaboration’s framework with the CCI of Marseille Provence, Jalis will not miss to hold you informed about the next meetings of the plan.

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