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My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Google Adresses become Google My Business!

Google Adresses become Google My Business!


Google continues the update multiplication  and service revisions . Google Adresses, geolocation service of companies on Google Maps, becomes Google My Business. Simple lifting marketing for profound change?

If you regularly use tools and on-line services of Google, maybe it did not escape: last week, the administration interface of your Google pages was reshaped, with an emphasis of statistical data and complementary services offered by Google, Google Analytics and Google Adwords...

But this reorganization, which establishes the first contact with Google My Business, hides a bigger ambition: to offer companies a real CRM which integrates several Google services... Certain free ones such as Google Analytics, YouTube or Hangouts to organize videoconferences, other payings as Google Adwords, Google’s major advertising company.

New administration interface of Google My Business

If the interface turns out practical in use, with a fast and simplified access in numerous features as the event creation or the flows’ management, the only time will inform us about Google’s capacity to strengthen its position on the social network market always dominated by Google.

The motive, more than ever, is in the spotlight: Google My Business has already possessed its own application on Play Store, and should soon be accessible on iOS.

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