My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Edition training in Marseille

Edition training in Marseille

5 good reasons for pursuing the training course of referencing and edition in Marseille of Jalis


You maybe have already known that Jalis Web company organizes Web edition training in Marseille in places of Château-Gombert. As being Jalis customers or not, you will be happy to attend this training for AT LEAST all the following reasons.

1 - You can finally ask all the questions haunting you about Google

You will learn how to decipher Google, working, its likes and hates...

2- You will learn to become autonomous

Improve the website’s visibility is a long-term work and especially of regularity. You will go attend the training with all the cards.

3 - You can fool your close friends ...

by teaching them the secrets of giant Google thanks to the advice of an expert in referencing.

4 - You will participate in interactive exercises in groups

The ideal to learn and understand better is to practice. You will work then in binomial on your own sites.

5 - You will share your Web experience with other professionals

During the training, you will meet other participants of different business sectors. Those who ask to meet professionals, say about network. You maybe agree with link exchanges, it is perfect to give a blow of boost to your referencing.


6 - You can satisfy your curiosity

You are going to discover the iCube places as well as Jalis hardworking team. You maybe discover the faces of certain interlocutors as you are on the phone!

7 - You go out a little in your daily life

 Working is fascinating.  Coming to Jalis training course will allow you to get some fresh spirit air and that knows, to meet new people...

8- You will not be bored

Laughter, interactions, questions will keep you occupied for hours on end thanks to the speaker’s dynamism!

And you will certainly find many advantages ... Therefore please contact us!


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