My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Clichés on the graphic designers

Clichés on the graphic designers


After having laughed on the back of dev', it is time now to attack the graphic designers and web designers, artists! Discover clichés (or not) of which the graph designers are "victims".

The office of one of our web designers, classic ...

- Cliché # 1: The graph' designer never shifts without a notebook and a pencil to make sketches.

- Cliché # 2: When the graph designer is embarrassed of creation, he will never make a fault: "the customer had shit tastes", "The customer wanted to keep the design of his former site", "No matter what the dev made, it had not to be like that".

 - Cliché # 3: The graph' designer adores "forgetting" beacons H1, in the big despair of referrers.

- Cliché # 4: The graph' designer likes standing back, as an artist who contemplates its work, tilted head, fingers through hair...

- Cliché # 5: The graph' designer is constantly hanging board to Pinterest or posting his photos on Insta!

- Cliché # 6: The graph' designer is in, admit him! He always has the latest iMac (or the latest Nexus!) from the release and can praise the benefits during 4 hours.

 - Cliché # 7: The graph' designer likes walking around barefoot or in flip-flops when he can, "to feel more free".

- Cliché # 8! The graph' designer has a superiority complex. He is thought to be the reference of taste: "No but you understand, it is too much mainstream like that!".

 -Cliché # 9: The graph’ designer often wears squared shirts, tucked up sleeves or beard, sometimes both at the same time. The graph’ designer is a hipster!

- Cliché # 10: The graph designer is disgusted when he sees Comic Sans or an animation mouse.

- Cliché # 11: The graph' designer’s phrases often end by exclamations: "but it is brilliant!".

 Then, we bet that you find yourselves there or you recognize your colleagues!

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