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My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Apple launches iPhone 4S not iPhone 5

Apple launches iPhone 4S not iPhone 5


According to the voice of its new boss Tim Cook, Apple presented the latest version of iPhone on Tuesday October 4. Contrary to forecasts, it is not iPhone 5 that will go on sale soon but iPhone 4S. On the program: of course upgrades without revolution.

Apple criticizes rumors on iPhone 5

Before every release of a new Apple product, rumors about the upcoming release of iPhone 5 came from the web. Everyone went there with its prediction, its intuition, its scoop. We even talked about the release of the iPhone 5 as a certainty. Until the bombshell dated Tuesday, October 4 that made all the commentators lie. Point of iPhone 5 not iPhone 4S: Apple has kept its secret until the end.

No new design for the iPhone 4S

If you expect transformations in the design of the iPhone, you will be disappointed because the iPhone 4S is identical to the iPhone 4. The upgrades come from what is hidden under its shell. Starting with a new processor that will allow high speed performance.

What's new in the iPhone 4S

Do not panic, the iPhone 4S is not a simple duplicate and more powerful than iPhone 4. It comes with some good news:

The Siri Voice Assistant

The one that seems to get the most attention and the Siri vocal assistant that will allow to dialogue with phone by voice. In particular, you can read your SMS or write them under your dictation. Good news: Siri works well in French!

A better camera on iPhone 4S

The other upgrade concerning the camera of the iPhone that will be equipped with an 8-megapixel photo sensor, 60% more than iPhone 4. And it will also be possible to shoot in HD 1080p.

ICloud on iPhone

The iPhone 4S will also include the iCloud application to allow access to its documents on any terminal.

The sale of the iPhone 4S in France is available on October 14, 2011.

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