My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : 5 good reasons for assuring the on-line presence in 2017
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5 good reasons for assuring the on-line presence in 2017


Your on-line presence, whether it is with a website or a Facebook page, is a necessity of your long-term development strategy.

Reason N 1: a digital presence for your company

More than ever in 2017, your website must be considered a real investment. With a budget of communication dedicated to this support, your Web presence allows you at the same time to inform your prospects in an independent way and assure your strategic development thanks to our tools of Jalis referencing patented.

Reason N°2: an unlimited catchment area thanks to the e-commerce

At the local level, you can be limited in the choice of your targets. An online presence with an e-shop will bring you an unlimited scope of activity thanks to search engines and social networks such as Facebook and Twitter in particular.

Reason N°3: a mastered online reputation

In addition to your online presence with a Web site, the digital era 2.0 demonstrates that Internet users really contribute to your e-reputation by notices, comments, etc. You thus should rather show your presence with your official website.

Reason N°4: a better knowledge of your client

With the referencing and statistics analysis, you are going to be able to analyze your customers’ demands via their requests on search engines to reach your Website. So, it will be possible to produce adapted contents and increase the number of conversions.

Reason N°5: a unique link with your customers

The website allows to create an additional relation with your customers by communicating with them in an interactive way. The social networks can also bring a complementary support to broadcast other information (for example, holiday closure).


Now we proved interests to be present on Web, find our 10 commands of a good digital manager! 

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