My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
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My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : 10 commands of a good digital manager
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10 commands of a good digital manager


At the beginning of every year, it is customary to give objectives to achieve good resolutions. At Jalis, we have prepared you many good resolutions for the year 2017 with 10 commands of a good digital manager!

1. You will pilot your site every week as your sales force

The "recent information" is an important axis of your digital strategy which is going in a long term, to bring you a substantial traffic on your Web site. In fact, Google calculate the frequency of updating your site when it establishes the ranking of result pages.

In other words, if you update your site in a daily way, Google robot will come every day on your site to index your new pages.

The regular update is a quality mark with Google for your referencing.

2. You will think of each announcement in a 4x3 panel on Google

As any marketing strategy, in the writing of your announcements, it will be essential to specify 4 elements of information. Remember, the marketing mix, indicates  4 components as follows:


  •           Product: quality, characteristics, guarantee, SAV;
  •           Price: tarif, reduction, terms of payments;
  •           Place (distribution): point of sale, distribution channels, stocks; ·
  •           Promotion (communication): advertising, sales force, public relations, etc.

 3. You will write a title of announcement as an referencing expression

How would you search for your product / service on Google? Raise the question and give it to your close friends to find new ideas of keywords integrated into your site.

The titles of your announcements in specific html tag in Google’s eyes, it will be important to build the titles as a request which would be typed in search engines by an Internet user.

4. You will write your texts by thinking of your visitors as your prospective customers

Web writing has to bring the information’s clarity, the secondary details and a contact invitation to the Internet user. From the beginning of your text, the Internet user must know if your page corresponds to what he searches for. Then you can describe your product/service and give useful characteristics stock, dimensions, etc.).

Finally, you will finish with a contact invitation by e-mail, telephone or make an appointment at the point of sale.

5. You will never dare to make a cut- paste

To offer always more pertinent results, Google filters the sites which present duplicate contents. Pages in identical contents are thus examined and displaced by search engines. Whether it is for your referencing and the Internet user, you thus have no interest to propose some contents duplicated on your site. Banish!

Let offer some original and unique contents which will be valued, on the contrary, by search engines.

6. You will always add beautiful photos

It is proved that you will get more attention to an Internet user if you post beautiful pictures to accompany your contents. It allows to decorate your web pages and illustrate your words easily.

 7. You will caption all your photos to reference them on Google Images

Google does not know how to read images. To indicate what is the object of your image, it’ll need to fill the field "Legende" of your website. In fact, it is going to allow you to appear in Google Image results, with very high potential for certain activities.

You will find an article detailed on Google Image referencing:  here

 8. You will strengthen your announcements with your Jalis Express

Having created your optimized contents, summits a "pause" by adding expressions thanks to Jalis Express tool. This lever of referencing is simple and fast to use for  positioning your site with new keywords.

Google Suggest will be your friend!

9. You will think of archives to anticipate

The natural referencing is a long-term communication tool, we recommend you to use archives to anticipate offers and events. Actually, when you create a web page on your site, you contribute to your digital heritage and so capitalize by taking one step ahead to your competitors.

10. You will add links as new business contributors

In the real life, the virtual relations are valued by search engines. In other words, if other sites "talk about you" by making a link to your site, Google will consider it as a criterion of popularity, qualitative in its classification and your positioning.

You will have understood it, more than ever, in 2017, it will be time to increase your efforts to assure your online presence. For any advice or question, you can contact our company at 04 91 35 70 00 or register Jalis Académie digital training!

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