My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends

Find places of interest in Marseille - Digital magazine about trends

Find places of interest in Marseille

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According to a recent study published by comScore, MegaUpload, the famous site allowing the sharing of on-line document with the seen number of visits exploded from HADOPI implemen[...]
We surely do not hear about it a lot; nevertheless, Hadopi continues its hunting against the illegal downloading. Thus be watchful if you do not want to find yourselves in front of[...]
The protection of trainees’ rights in France is at the centre of the current events nowadays.  For regular offers of internship or professional contracts with the aim of hiring, Ja[...]
Catastrophes naturelles
Telecommunication and mapping of crisis In front of sadness images of Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy Islands following the passage of Irma hurricane, anonymous or professional [...]
You are looking for good places to go out in Marseille or its surroundings? You are willing to be informed of events taking place in Marseille? In a completely different domain, you like to follow web news or learn more about entrepreneurs and startups success stories?

The digital magazine My Jalis offers you a summary of all the news in these different fields. Trends, lifestyle, business... Everything is in our (or rather yours!) online magazine.

Places to go out

We offer our services Find places of interest in on :
Nice Montpellier French Riviera Toulon Marseille Provence Aix en Provence Toulouse