My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends

Find places of interest in Marseille Provence - Digital magazine about trends

Find places of interest in Marseille Provence

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Unless you live in a log cabin on the edge of Baikal Lake, the defeat of Brazil against Germany, 7-1, did not escape you. But even more unfortunately,  there was a Brazilian suppor[...]
Fred Nowak, a professional photographer, has been approved for the realization of the virtual visits posted in Local Google. This creator of images has made gracefully, for Jalis, [...]
Comment s'informer sur Facebook Marseille
Now, the informing via Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Cie became so common as listening to some music in streaming or buying on-line. It is the survey result of Pew Research cente[...]
Bad buzz des marques Marseille
It is the fear of all communicators. That to find one day facing a debate undermining the image of the mark which they represent. On Web, we call it a bad buzz. It is the dark side[...]
You are looking for good places to go out in Marseille Provence or its surroundings? You are willing to be informed of events taking place in Marseille Provence? In a completely different domain, you like to follow web news or learn more about entrepreneurs and startups success stories?

The digital magazine My Jalis offers you a summary of all the news in these different fields. Trends, lifestyle, business... Everything is in our (or rather yours!) online magazine.

Places to go out

We offer our services Find places of interest in on :
Marseille Nice Montpellier Aix en Provence Toulon French Riviera Toulouse