My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Initial expenses offered for Christmas

Initial expenses offered for Christmas

For Christmas, Jalis offers you initial expenses of Adwords campaign


As you probably know, your Jalis company became a Google’s partner in the framework of Google Partners program last August. For holiday season, and to boost sales, we offer our customers Jalis the initial expenses of Adwords  campaign until December 31st , 2014. Enjoy it!


Natural referencing vs paying referencing?

It is true that there is nothing better that position on Google in a natural way. It’s because Internet users tend to grant more confidence to natural results. Then, because the natural results play more central role than sponsored links.

Nevertheless, Google sponsored links come directly as a supplement to the strategy of natural referencing. If your company can allow you, there is no reason to do so. If campaigns are managed well, there will be a real return to investment.

There are several advantages to open Adwords campaign:

 - obtain an immediate visibility on Google,

 - boost a web site in the launch or in period of strong activity as Christmas to stand out better among competitors,

 - communicate on a novelty or a time-limited offer.


A special offer for Christmas to set up your Adwords campaign

Initially, as a specialist of natural referencing, Jalis would like to bring   customers a complementary way to be visible on Google: Adwords. In fact, to manage Adwords campaign, it takes time and expertise, that is why Jalis does not leave you alone and suggests you managing your campaigns.

Until December 31st 2014, Jalis offers initial expenses of campaigns to new customers Adwords. It is high time to act, let launch!

If you have questions concerning Adwords campaigns, advantages and modalities, do not hesitate to contact Jalis or your interlocutor Jalis.

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