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My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Google: the advanced operators to use for a successful research

Google: the advanced operators to use for a successful research


Google is full of tips in all kinds to make precise search. Among them, there are advanced operators to use without moderation.

With trillions  of indexed pages, it can be difficult to obtain a result satisfying in Google. Never mind. Tools allow to refine your requests to the Holy Grail, worth knowing the page which will answer exactly your request. They are the advanced operators.

The operator "site:"

It is useful to find a contents in a Web site, particularly if the latter has no search box. To use it, you have to type "site:" in Google followed by the site URL on question, the whole without space (this is true for all the operators who are going to follow). Then, you search for one or several terms. If you do not search for it or the latter, you will obtain the number of site pages indexed by Google. It is a major information if you are a site administrator or referrer and which you want to know if this one is taken into account well by the search engine. In this case, also take a look at the order which display the results. It gives you an idea of their relevance level. It is a good indication to know the contents posted in your site.

Other example of the “site" operator use: the social networks. After all, they are also web sites! Consequently, the operator works with them. Considerable if you want to know about particular subject.

The operator "intext:"

As the name indicates, it allows to find a word or an expression in a particular contents. Small booster shot: do not forget that the operators can harmonize. In the case in point, it is completely possible to use "site" with "intext" if you look for a contents with the terms of request in a precise site. You can add a boolean operator as quotation marks if you look for an exact expression. Let’s imagine, a request concerning the helmets of virtual reality on the site My Jalis, it would give:

site: intext: "helmet of virtual reality"

The operators "Allintitle:", "AllinURL:"and "related:"

Everything is shown in the title if we can say because this operator allows to have all the Web pages the beacon of which titles include search terms for use if you want to know the subject controlled by a site (involved in "site:").

In the same order of idea, you have the possibility of looking for one or several terms, this time in the URL of pages with the  "AllinURL:" operator.

To find Web sites dealing with a similar subject to an other one, it is necessary to use the "related:" operator. Don’t forget if you would like to know your competitors.

The operator "filetype:"

A little different from the precedents, this operator is not less than a formidable efficiency to do a search on a precise file type. Obviously, to work, you have to associate with a request, herself susceptible to be attached to another operator. "Filetype" accepts in particular files PDF, PNG, JPG, SVG, GIF, DOC, XLS, or PPT.

The operator "info:"

We finish with the operator " info: " which groups many things. It must be followed by a site URL or a web page. Once the command are typed, you can access to a great deal of information:

The version in  URL caching allows to know the page registered by Google;


The similar pages follow the example of the "related:” operator;

Pages are included in the site;

Pages include the request typed after the "info:" operator.

 After all, you should not hesitate to mix these various operators, without forgetting the boolean operators. By restricting the number of results, they allow to post more quickly in the desired contents which, under normal circumstances, would have drowned in the ocean of the multitude of pages indexed by Google.

Article written by Thierry Randretsa

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