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Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Critizr: the criticism is easy

Critizr: the criticism is easy

Critizr application reforms the customer relationship


Do you have grievances to be formulated against a sign and you wish to be heard? Take Critizr application.

You certainly regretted one day the quality of a commerce service. Unsuitable offer, unpleasant defective, personal product, unhealthy out-of-date, local food … They are not the reproaches which can be a lack. They are not also the places which lack Web to express. How to be sure that our words will be read, if possible by a good person? How to know that our remark will be taken into account? Among a great deal of available services on the subject, Critizr application offers significant. guarantees.

Launched in 2012 in Lille by Nicolas Hammer and Thibaut Carlier, it  appears as "the first consumer service independent from France". Available on Web and iOs and Android mobiles, the application allows to draft remarks about any brand (restaurant, store, hotel, cinema). It guarantees the direct message sending to the supposed manager to answer personally according to his/her will and availability.

An accessible interface

The functioning is very simple. You have to join at first on the site or you connect through your account Facebook. You are then located in the space planned for that purpose upper left. Then, you choose the place on which you wish to write. Having validated your choice, a page displays all the previous remarks made of the brand which you can consult in news feed style. In the right column, you have an access to diverse interesting information.

First of all, we find the relation-customer status with a note on 5. This is calculated according to various criteria: the percentage of remarks read by the manager, the certainty that he answers and the deadline to complete. Second, there is a degree of customer’s satisfaction with a note on 5. Thirdly, you have the list of the businesses by obtaining the object of criticisms.

If you have something to say, you have to click on the entitled blue button "to send a remark". In Critizr, the criticism is not only negative. You can raise a problem but also send a compliment. It is also possible to ask a question and even make suggestions.

The renewal of the customer relationship

The application is a success. For three years, there have been about 500,000 users and more than 100,000 sale points in France, Belgium and Luxembourg. But the Lille start-up does not plan to stop there. Having obtained 3,5 million euros of fund raised between the end of 2015 and March, 2016, it sets up an ambition to extend in Germany, Italy and Spain.

At present, it does not satisfy any more with handling the remarks via the application. It manages all the brand channels whether they are e-mails, social networks or even Web site, mobile application … It is the choice of Flunch restaurant on which we can express an opinion, as well as via the app, web site or e-mails. It declares to collect more than 400,000 evaluations a year.

Contrary to what we could think, the service is far from being unfavorable to the companies which are worried about their e-reputation. They have provided with the train of the new customer relationship which is taken particularly in the social networks where the consumers no longer hesitate to ask directly the brands to indicate a problem. These show reactivity and obligatorily to avoid the bad buzz susceptible to tarnish their image.

A good management of these remarks is the same source of business figure. It is what happened to Mister Bricolage who has tied a partnership with Critizr. The result is achieved with hundreds of thousands of euros in the additional business figures per year.

At least something good come out of it.

Article written by Thierry Randretsa

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