My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : After-révolution Colibri

After-révolution Colibri

After-party-revolution Colibri will take place on July 15th and 16th, 2014 aboard Inga des Riaux in Marseille!


In two days of the Bastille’s storming anniversary, Jalis will celebrate another revolution: one of Google Colibri, will update the major algorithm of Google arisen in September, 2013!

Our teams, and most importantly our customers, make contribution every day to Jalis’ success. We owe them so much: nice adventures which were transformed into success, challenges which we knew how to deal with together, daily interactions which help us grow up and improve ourselves...


On July 14th, 1789, a group of passionate and determined people proved that everything was possible, if we believe and investigate without counting the cost. At Jalis’ company, we decided to organize an after-party on July 14th, by celebrating on July 15th  and 16th , 2014 another revolution which we knew how to respond quickly and effectively: one of the most important updates of Google’s algorithm, Google Colibri, since its launch arisen in September, 2013!

When? 15th or 16th July, 2014 from 7:00 pm to 02:00 am

Where? On Inga des Riaux, the moored sailboat of 1928, honor Quay at Vieux Port, in front of City hall

For whom? VIP parties, opened foremost to the customers and partners of Jalis

An aperitif will be served to you on the deck from 7:00 pm, followed by a display of the current stakes in the communication on the Internet (Digitize your brand with Double Impact Colibri). Then, at 8:30 pm, a cocktail will be offered to you. You will take advantage during these two VIP parties of numerous animations and surprises, with music, dance hall and drinks at discretion.

Discover the detailed program and ask for your boarding passes here!

You can ask for invitations on July 15th or 16th by addressing your usual interlocutor at Jalis, or filling our on-line request form (based on the acceptance, in the limit of available seats)

Are you a journalist and would you like to discover the event? Contact our Press relations service by e-mail to or 0820 000 405.

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