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My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Administrator of domain names
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Administrator of domain names

The management of domain names, it is Rémi Martinelli’s affair


Rémi M. is the administrator of Jalis domain names. A crucial function in Web company which is going to explain to you. It also dedicates another half of its time to the referencing of Jalis sites. For  25 years, it has talked with wisdom about its functions, company’s life and Web’s domain.

How long have you worked at Jalis and what is your function in the Web company?

I joined the Jalis company on September 7th, 2010, exactly as the position of a  technician in the technical support where I took charge of the assistance with the customers by e-mail or telephone. But since November, 2012, I have had a dual responsibility because I joined the referencing service company, in addition to taking care of the management of domain names.

Before joining Jalis, what was your job?

Having obtained an Economic and Social High school diploma, I wanted to turn to career as Web jobs, a sector which attracted me and the universe with which I have developed. Hence I went to IUT of Arles where I obtained a DUT Services and Networks of Communication which taught me the bases of Web jobs, and moreover, because it is about a multi-purpose multimedia training which inculcates skills in the domains of the Web programming, computer graphics, data networks, the broadcasting and the communication generally.

Then, I have completed IUT of Puy in Velay, Auvergne, a BA degree of Multimedia Pro, as a non-specialized one as DUT SRC, but it allowed me to have new tutored projects and a new period of internship, which is never unimportant to gather in some experience.

Could you describe your current position in a few words ?

I take charge of the daily management of domain names, namely the purchase of the domain name for a new customer, the renewal or even the transfer when a customer joins us and changes the provider.

Another part of my work consists of installing on-line sites, since they are not delivered, they are accessible only via a technical address which is not referenced and just visible by the customer. To do it, I have to check last time the smooth running of the site and the associated mailboxes and then I select the modification of DNS records ("ID card" of a domain name) to switch to the on-line site definitively.

It can seem to be complicated with all these technical terms but, to summarize, I handle the administrative part (record, transfer, renewal) and technique (on-line publishing), DNS records) of domain names.

What do you prefer in your work?

I like the relational side resulting from it, because it is necessary to be in communication with other services of the company, in particular the coordinators who ask for the on-line publishing or transfers. The fact whether it is also a very methodical task, because you should leave nothing at random, to draw everything, follow the established processes and communicate with each service as soon as we make an operation (I always become the famous on-line publishing). In brief, it is about a function where it is necessary to be structured, concentrated and have a dialogue with people around to assure of not making the fatal mistake (a problem of domain name and it is the whole offline site) …

Which Jalis site are you most satisfied?

There is a site of Family Sphère, a big group of franchises in the childcare field and tutoring at home (soutien scolaire à domicile). It is what we could call a "major account". It is typically kind of customers which allows a company to be used to work with SME to make considerable progress at the level of the organization, expectation and customer satisfaction. It is maybe silly what I am going to say, but working with a big company allows to rise and "test" in a way of the reactivity and boosting the knowledge.

There is also a Jalis FAQ, a site of assistance which we set up based on our own customers (particularly to help them configure an e-mail (configurer une boite mail)) and which finds today widely used by Internet users lambdas accessing via Google. It shows that with rich, interesting and quality contents we attract indubitably visitors, and it is what we tend to teach our customers.

 Which site gave you the most challenge and why?

I would say that Access Fashion site, a company of ready-to-wear clothing was based in Thessalonica in Greece. Not administering the domain, it was necessary to connect in a specific interface with identification codes supplied by the customer, then re-configure all the remote e-mails via a software handling and communicating in English on telephone … Fortunately, Lola bilingual Web editor speaks English fluently and we were able to share our skills to overcome this "unforeseen".

Would you have some advice to give those who begin in the Web  sector?

Firstly, the Web domain can be complicated with all the technical terms and all the technologies are diverse and varied. Nevertheless, if I have some advice to give, it is primarily curious. No matter which expertise we possess, it is continuously necessary  to open, inquire by doing so and asking for advice from the people who surround us and are sometimes more qualified or simply more experimented. Overall, don’t be afraid of exceeding the functions by pushing a little farther search for information or an explanation demand. It is also for what I recommend all those who want to launch this rich and constant change activity sector to focus on a training emphasizing internships of several weeks which convey a life experience in a company which cannot find in a too much "academic" training.

The Web domain, also supports a variety of skills that we can find in a Web company (project managers, commercial, graphic designers, developers, referrers, etc.) and focus on the inter-service  communication to reach the first objective of a service company: the customer satisfaction. Based on a real teamwork which I would illustrate by this Anglo-Saxon saying: " United we stand, divided we fall ".

To conclude, I would eventually say that the Web domain is very rich and there are places for all the people. As we are rather technical, creative or directed on the writing, everybody will find some benefits there. That's what makes the charm of this microcosm, on the contrary of preconceived ideas, we do not find there geeks or nerds taking out any projection rights of the last Star Wars.

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