My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : 10 years of Jalis Web company in video!

10 years of Jalis Web company in video!


The digital reference can serve to classify your announcements.

On the 14th June of this year, Jalis Web company in Marseille celebrated its ten-year anniversary and success as well as the inauguration of interactive business center in Château-Gombert. Here is the new video of the event for fun.

Have you missed the event and regretted? Or maybe you were present but you want to live again at this moment?

In all cases, Jalis presents the new video of this memorable evening for Jalis and its collaborators.

With more than 600 participants, customers, collaborators and their close friends, the evening on 14th June showed a successful image of ten-year life of Jalis.

In 2002, the referencing was a discipline little known by the general public. Nevertheless, the managers of this Web company were anxious to deal with the challenge. It may not matter, finally, there are 65 uses, 2500 customers and 3000 custom-made Websites which are recorded.

In addition to this success on the referencing solution, Jalis opened iCube, the interactive business center in Château-Gombert which will welcome not only companies of the NTIC domain, but also the event organization.

Now we let you see the images!

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