My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends

Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Leadership - fiches techniques

Leader ship
Here are thus the golden rules for the creation of a viral contents. "An image is worth one thousand words" – Confucius If this precious Confucius h [...]
Leader ship
Google Adwords is an advertising agency launched in 2000, by Google. It allows you to advertise on its sites, those of research partners and the partn [...]
Leader ship
You have probably already found yourselves in this kind of situation one day. You are in front of your computer. You have made a bargain on an on-lin [...]
Leader ship
For that reason, Google has already decided here for some years, to favor Web sites considered as "Mobile Friendly". A label was even created, which w [...]
Leader ship
If we had to summarize the context of the job search in France in a figure, it would be as follows: 80. More or less 80% of job offers are in the hidd [...]
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