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My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : Google Pigeon is spread in France

Google Pigeon is spread in France

Google Pigeon is spread in France, think of your Google Map cards


At the beginning of June even in May sometimes, we were able to notice some changes at the level of local Google search results. Reason? Google Pigeon algorithm. Google Pigeon launched in July, 2014 in the United States and Canada arrives finally in France and in the rest of the world.

In what is this new Google Pigeon algorithm going to include? Not much information for the moment but already know that it concerns essentially the local search. The purpose is to return the local searches for Internet users (and they are numerous) even more relevant and precise.

What about level changes? The criteria of distance and location seem to be changed as it indicates us Olivier Duffez de WebRankInfo, but also features as Knowledge Graph or spell checking are requested. These changes are operated as well on Google Maps results as the traditional results.

Let us call back that the name of Pigeon is not fortunately the official name of this new algorithm for France.

What is it necessary to better understand the referencing with update Google Pigeon?

If you apply correctly the advice which gives you SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of Jalis team, you are on the right track. Thus continue to integrate the geo-localization into your contents with geographical areas in your titles and descriptions (with economy obviously).

But especially, think of your Fiche Google My Business. If your local establishment has still not been yet, make an appointment on Google My Business interface. If you have one, but without owner, declare yourself as the owner to be able to make the necessary modifications as you please.

If you have no establishment to receive the customers but if you intervene in a precise sector (for example, taxi activity), it is very all interesting for positioning your site to create one. One of our taxi customers in Istres succeeded in better standing out thanks to Maps card.

Google and assistance center explains to you on-line.

Do not forget to follow us on Twitter or by following #Teamjalis to have information in real time!

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