My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Marseille edit
My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends My Jalis - Digital magazine about trends
Lifestyle magazine and events in Marseille : It is not because you are disabilities as you are not capable of working.

It is not because you are disabilities as you are not capable of working.

Interview: Web writer


1. What are your missions within Jalis?

I mainly write articles for the digital magazine MyJalis. I am in an ideal situation because this Web company gave me free rein at the level of the contents provided that it relates to the digital. I can write about the current events of the social networks (l’actualité des réseaux sociaux ) such as the data protection personal, the video games, the virtual reality, the new technologies generally, … It allows me to share some of my major interests. It is also the opportunity to discover new subjects. My objective is to create some value-added contents. I try as much as possible to put the personality into various levels (tone, bottom, possibly stand …) because in this domain we sometimes have the impression to read always the same thing as whatever are sites.

Besides, sometimes I write some contents for customers Jalis. The exercise is more restrictive but it allows me to work my writing SEO according to the concerned business sector.

2. Which do you like most?

Unmistakably, the freedom of creation that Jalis gives me for its magazine in both contents and form. I recognize the chance which I have being able to write on subjects which interest me.

3. What does this activity offer you in the professional  and  personal plan?

To answer in a very prosaic way, thus it allows me to work with a remuneration, what, consequently, gives me what to live. After years of job search, the perspectives change.

Besides, I appreciate the creative aspect of activity. It is also a good way to keep abreast about the current events of the digital technology (l’actualité du numérique), and the current events generally both more and more interdependent.

4. Which difficulties do you face in daily life, as a worker with disability?

I have a painful hyperacousie. It means that my auditory tolerance is lower than at the average, in particular, in the acute frequencies. As a result: a sound which seems normal to you can ache me. It puts number of difficulties in daily life. For example, I am restricted in my travels because the public transportation is too noisy for me. Moreover, I always go out protected, implied with ear plugs even an ear protectors. This condition involves a constant vigilance because when the environment is quiet you are not shielded from a two-wheel or a fireman's siren appearing from nowhere.

It has negative repercussions on social life generally and on the job search in particular. Even if the digital technology facilitated communication, physical presence is inescapable and it is normal. Yet, how to make contacts and create a network which remains an inescapable way today to find a job? By meeting people. Yet, it was not possible for reasons bound to my disability. Concretely, I had to deprive of seminaries or conferences because of the use of sound amplified in strong volume.

Last thing: besides being rare, my disability is invisible that is a problem because the company has a stereotypical vision of the handicap.

5. Did the new technologies facilitate your access to the employment?

The new technologies probably helped some workers handicaped to reach more easily the employment market.

But the most important remain to change the mentalities. It is not because you are disabilities that you are not capable of working. On the contrary, I would be tempted to say. Yet, the report is that in France, neither the private sector, nor the public sector respect the quota of hiring handicapped people (quota d’embauche de personnes en situation de handicap) who are not brought up well. Progress was made these last years but many things remain to make in this domain.

6. What have you brought concretely ISEACOM and JALIS?

Work! Which change of job search have been for years even if I did not remain inactive because I launched into the Web writing in a private capacity and because I was an independent. Furthermore, ISEACOM allows me to work in suitable conditions to my disability, what I appreciate enormously.

Besides, I discovered the world of the adapted and protected sector which I did not really know before Véronique Gallice, ISEACOM manager hired me. On the one hand, it is a way for companies like Jalis to make a commitment in the voluntary and united sector. On the other hand, it improves the employment for the handicapped people in high value-added jobs in terms of level and skills requirements.

Finally, being an ISEACOM Community Manager, I’ll work on my skills in this domain.

Interviewed by Pauline Carpentier

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